Thursday, August 28, 2003

posted via Apple's iChat

So I just got home. I went to the old apartment and got some more old stuff, and the mail, etc. I am tired. It has been a long day.

I'm more and more impressed with AOL Journals. Integrating it tightly with AIM,, and the AOL Client is incredibly smart on AOL's part.

I really wish they'd let me add new moods.

Because my mood is *tired*.

Hmmm ... just noticed this:

(( Note: Journal entries are limited to a total of 2,500 characters. This includes spaces and invisible HTML that's used to add hyperlinks or change the look of your text.))

-- a disclaimer about formatting.

I tried adding [b] and [i] tags and it failed in Safari. I think the "edit" interface is hobbled in Safari.